Three Great Books For Financial Planners

With summer in full swing there are no financial classes and the financial advisory business is in slowdown mode due to summer vacations. This makes it the ideal time to pick up a good book and get to reading. But for financial planners, what is there to read? The answer is: plenty!

Financial planners can bolster their knowledge base and sharpen their skill set by simply soaking up as much information about wealth management and finance as they possibly can. It can help be a boon to their careers and will ultimately benefit their clients. So what is a financial planner supposed to read?

There are dozens of books that would be perfect for summer reading for individuals in this industry that cover topics from behavioral finance to marketing and beyond, all of which have proven to be interesting reads and offer helpful insight into the world of wealth management and financial planning.

Start With Why by Simon Sinek

This book has become a favorite among many professionals in the finance sector. It talks about a common error that many in finance make in terms of their approach to their work. They focus more on what they do rather than on why they do it. Getting to the heart of why you – and your clients – do what you do will make for more personal goal-oriented financial planning. Not to mention that engaging clients to find out the “whys” behind their planning can help build trust and likability with a client, which can ultimately help your relationships and bring in more business.

The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

This book talks about our habits as financial professionals and simply as people in general. We get married to our routines, which can sometimes be detrimental. Duhigg suggests that developing a better understanding of our habits can help us identify changes that need to be made in our routine in order to perform better for our clients.

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Succession Planning for Financial Advisors: Building an Enduring Business by David Grau

Grau’s advice for financial planners covers things like when and how to start a formal succession plan and restructuring certain elements of your practice in order to make it more conducive to managing your clients’ assets.